A pre-purchase survey inspection is performed once you have made an offer on a vessel and are under contract subject to an inspection.
It is conducted by an unbiased surveyor who works solely for the buyer and completes the inspection based upon facts found throughout the vessel, A pre-purchase survey report gives the buyer an objective means to evaluate a vessel and assure that it is suitable for his or her needs.
We encourage you to follow along with the survey and pay close attention; Steve is happy to answer questions and share his knowledge. This is the best way to learn about your new vessel. Just try not to slow down the process—or it could be a very long day!
In general, we will check that the systems installed in the vessel are operating normally, verify the safety of the vessel and its passengers, and see that the vessel meets today’s standards. Normally Steve starts the inspection in the engine space since this is the “heart” of the vessel. Next, the dockside systems are tested while the boat is plugged into the shore power.
The condition of the bottom is inspected; Steve looks for blisters, laminate moisture content and any possible structural deficiencies. He also inspects the condition of the antifouling paint, keel attachment, running gear (like rudders, propellers, prop shafts and cutlass bearings), thru-hull fittings, bow thruster, stabilizers, etc.
UGE offer the full range of specialists for any vessels types especially on the Bulk & G. Cargo vessels.
In addition to provide a qualified and professional Egyptian security teams (Ex-Navy), Everyone has all STCW78/95 certificates and necessary licenses in accordance IMO and MLC 2006 Convention.
They have a high degree of technical skill AND we always make sure those candidates have appropriate work experience, and adequate knowledge of English.
Remember our main objective is to supply our client's seafarers who are well disciplined, qualified and competent. We are open to cooperation & ready to supply any necessary information upon your request. If you need the marine specialists & your interesting in our offers, we invite you to co-operation.
Ship Repair:
Chartering team consists of professionals with long-term experience in the shipping industry having undertaken various projects so far.
UGE will provide you with the professional services one would expect, with a level of customer service unparalleled in the shipping industry and Operators around the world and best services is our first priority.
Whether you want us to manage your vessel, or broker your vessel, we will successfully handle your business in a prompt, competitive and professional manner.
Additionally, we can help you with all your project needs. Whether you are starting a new service, re-vamping an existing business or simply looking for ways to complete a project, we can help you meet and exceed your goals.
UGE have the most efficient and cost saving method of transporting bulk cargoes Our modern, highly efficient can carry most dry cargoes such as sand, gravels, coal, aggregates, stones, asphalt, pallets, logs ... etc. Including equipment & other commodities.
On behalf of affiliated companies and clients ranging from ship owner, contract carrier and time charter operators, Marine Chartering manages the complete shipping operations from the acquisition phase to crewing and bunkering through to the daily voyage instructions. Vessels under management range from new buildings under construction to vessels time chartered for single trips.
UGE Ship Management is one of the GULF largest providers of ship management services, With the valuable combination of knowledge from years spent at sea AND ashore.
Our systems are driven towards achieving the highest level of technical reliability AND Our team of devoted and proficient professionals onboard and ashore help in ensuring this takes place.
UGE focuses on obtaining complete consumer satisfaction, it is imperative that we ensure our Ship Owners interests are always given priority. We also maintain high standards of both safety and environmental protection on all our vessels, Our operations are based on strict quality management systems, this is attained by operating and maintaining vessels in a safe and efficient manner, this in turn maximizes our Principal’s earnings
We have an extensive range of solutions to all vessel segments & offshore facilities on a global level, we offer you the management services that you want when and where you need them.
Our ship management services include: every things (technical management, crew management and training, dry-docking services, technical consultancy, insurance, commercial management, logistics, marine equipment and products to offer efficient solutions to the global maritime industry. ... etc.
UGE has been successfully assessed by RMRS in accordance with their SEP Rules and has been accredited with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification and compliance with ISM code. All the ships in our management have already been audited for compliance with ISM code.