A pre-purchase survey inspection is performed once you have made an offer on a vessel and are under contract subject to an inspection.
It is conducted by an unbiased surveyor who works solely for the buyer and completes the inspection based upon facts found throughout the vessel, A pre-purchase survey report gives the buyer an objective means to evaluate a vessel and assure that it is suitable for his or her needs.
We encourage you to follow along with the survey and pay close attention; Steve is happy to answer questions and share his knowledge. This is the best way to learn about your new vessel. Just try not to slow down the process—or it could be a very long day!
In general, we will check that the systems installed in the vessel are operating normally, verify the safety of the vessel and its passengers, and see that the vessel meets today’s standards. Normally Steve starts the inspection in the engine space since this is the “heart” of the vessel. Next, the dockside systems are tested while the boat is plugged into the shore power.
The condition of the bottom is inspected; Steve looks for blisters, laminate moisture content and any possible structural deficiencies. He also inspects the condition of the antifouling paint, keel attachment, running gear (like rudders, propellers, prop shafts and cutlass bearings), thru-hull fittings, bow thruster, stabilizers, etc.